00:00:18:03 - 00:00:18:18 Hi everyone. 00:00:18:18 - 00:00:20:14 Welcome to MOREnet’s Video blog. 00:00:20:14 - 00:00:21:17 My name is Bob Martin. 00:00:21:17 - 00:00:25:11 I'm a tech integration specialist with MOREnet today I'm with Dr. 00:00:25:11 - 00:00:27:17 Shantia Kerr Sims from UCM. 00:00:27:17 - 00:00:32:07 And we are here to talk about education technology and computer science. 00:00:32:16 - 00:00:36:03 And she's got some really great, exciting programs to talk about. So, 00:00:37:05 - 00:00:39:19 Dr. Sims, if you would, tell us first, just 00:00:40:23 - 00:00:41:16 tell us about the program. 00:00:41:16 - 00:00:43:10 Just tell us tell us what it is. 00:00:43:10 - 00:00:45:11 And thank you for having me. 00:00:45:11 - 00:00:47:06 I really appreciate the opportunity to talk about 00:00:47:06 - 00:00:51:01 our program and computer science in the state of Missouri. 00:00:51:01 - 00:00:54:03 So our program, the educational technology program, 00:00:54:03 - 00:00:57:00 actually started in 1967 00:00:57:15 - 00:01:03:00 and was a master of science and education in audio visual education. 00:01:03:10 - 00:01:06:05 And so the purpose then, as it is 00:01:06:05 - 00:01:11:13 now, was to teach innovative technologies, effectively teaching 00:01:11:13 - 00:01:15:24 with innovative technologies and so although it’s been 50 years, 00:01:16:03 - 00:01:19:07 our mission is still the same and 00:01:19:23 - 00:01:24:14 right now we offer a master of science in educational technology, 00:01:24:14 - 00:01:29:21 a specialist degree, as well as an online certificate of teaching and learning. 00:01:30:13 - 00:01:32:19 Now, how did you get involved with this program? 00:01:33:09 - 00:01:35:14 So I've been at UCM 00:01:35:19 - 00:01:39:12 for a good while since about 2008. 00:01:39:12 - 00:01:42:10 In fact, that's when our program went completely online. 00:01:42:10 - 00:01:44:10 So it's a fully online program. 00:01:44:10 - 00:01:46:14 And I actually got involved 00:01:46:14 - 00:01:50:03 with educational technology with my undergraduate institution. 00:01:50:03 - 00:01:52:17 I went to Fort Valley State University in Georgia, 00:01:53:04 - 00:01:57:24 and I had a professor there as I was in the teacher education program. 00:01:57:24 - 00:02:02:11 And she brought in lots of just great technology. 00:02:02:11 - 00:02:04:16 It was so engaging and 00:02:05:22 - 00:02:08:00 just really it was a fun class. 00:02:08:00 - 00:02:11:20 And so I really wanted to be able to provide 00:02:11:20 - 00:02:15:20 what she did for me to other teachers and other students. 00:02:15:20 - 00:02:20:13 And so I did my graduate work in educational technology 00:02:20:13 - 00:02:24:12 and curriculum and instruction and learning technology. 00:02:24:12 - 00:02:26:04 And so here we are. 00:02:26:04 - 00:02:30:06 I work as my service coordinator of our program, 00:02:30:06 - 00:02:32:12 and I just love it here. 00:02:33:09 - 00:02:36:21 So talk a little bit about the the need for computer 00:02:36:21 - 00:02:40:16 science education in education. 00:02:40:22 - 00:02:41:21 Right. Right. 00:02:41:21 - 00:02:45:20 So there have been a plethora of studies and research 00:02:45:20 - 00:02:49:07 that talks about the need for computer science. 00:02:49:07 - 00:02:52:01 But I think the US Labor 00:02:52:17 - 00:02:55:19 Department of Labor had said that between 00:02:56:11 - 00:02:59:15 2018 and 2028 00:02:59:24 - 00:03:04:19 and that ten year time span, then there will be a 16% growth 00:03:04:19 - 00:03:08:18 in computer science professionals and jobs 00:03:08:18 - 00:03:13:02 and so we have the statistics which you can just look around and see. 00:03:13:11 - 00:03:16:22 We'll need more web developers, more app developers, 00:03:16:22 - 00:03:22:14 more artificial intelligence engineers, we'll need more careers in this area. 00:03:23:10 - 00:03:26:18 And why did UCM think that it was important 00:03:26:18 - 00:03:30:07 to get in on the computer science for for teachers? 00:03:31:09 - 00:03:33:17 Well, for one thing, 00:03:33:17 - 00:03:37:06 the was it in 2018 00:03:37:06 - 00:03:39:23 and you can correct me because I know you know all of the facts. 00:03:41:00 - 00:03:42:18 I don't know all of that. 00:03:42:21 - 00:03:46:23 I think that 2018 is House bill number three 00:03:47:18 - 00:03:51:10 with the 99th General Assembly here in Missouri, passed the bill 00:03:51:10 - 00:03:56:01 for computer science educator and for standards to be developed. 00:03:56:01 - 00:03:58:20 And so those standards were developed. 00:03:58:20 - 00:04:02:00 And so we're now able to, you know, have standards 00:04:02:00 - 00:04:05:16 for K through 12 in computer science. 00:04:05:16 - 00:04:09:16 And so there is so we have that from DESE right? 00:04:10:10 - 00:04:14:16 We have the standards that we need, but we also just know 00:04:14:16 - 00:04:18:09 that the need is great for more teachers 00:04:18:09 - 00:04:22:14 to be able to teach computer science and also for our students. 00:04:22:14 - 00:04:24:18 I personally have a goal. 00:04:24:18 - 00:04:29:16 I have read that only 20% of undergraduate students 00:04:29:16 - 00:04:33:23 who major in computer science are girls. 00:04:33:23 - 00:04:38:15 And so personally I would love to see more students of color 00:04:38:15 - 00:04:42:24 and more women or girls engaged in computer science. 00:04:42:24 - 00:04:49:01 And so for our program to offer it, and especially since we're online, 00:04:49:01 - 00:04:53:14 it gives us an opportunity to reach not only those in our area, 00:04:53:14 - 00:04:56:02 in our central area, but also just beyond 00:04:56:20 - 00:05:00:04 to help bring more computer science to the state of Missouri. 00:05:00:10 - 00:05:01:08 And that's very true. 00:05:01:08 - 00:05:04:19 We were at a cybersecurity competition yesterday 00:05:04:19 - 00:05:08:13 and there were 12 teams and about 30 high school students. 00:05:09:00 - 00:05:11:09 One girl. Wow. One girl. 00:05:11:14 - 00:05:13:02 So the need is great. 00:05:13:02 - 00:05:14:07 You have the statistics, 00:05:14:07 - 00:05:18:15 but you can just look around you and see that there is quite a need. 00:05:18:19 - 00:05:20:23 For a cybersecurity in computer science. 00:05:20:23 - 00:05:23:08 Do not care whether you're a girl or a boy. 00:05:23:17 - 00:05:26:22 You still have to do it the same and it's just getting past. 00:05:26:22 - 00:05:27:22 I think that in all. 00:05:27:22 - 00:05:28:06 Well, that's 00:05:28:06 - 00:05:31:21 that's something that boys do know It's not it's something that smart people do. 00:05:32:01 - 00:05:32:10 Right. 00:05:32:10 - 00:05:34:10 And so we. Have to be exposed. 00:05:34:12 - 00:05:36:08 You have to have exposure to it. 00:05:36:08 - 00:05:38:13 So even though that is an option for you. 00:05:38:13 - 00:05:41:22 And so we want to help open those doors as well. 00:05:42:02 - 00:05:42:12 Yeah. 00:05:42:13 - 00:05:46:21 One of our favorite expressions is you can't see it can't be what you can't see. 00:05:46:21 - 00:05:47:19 Absolutely. 00:05:47:19 - 00:05:51:24 And it just getting as much information in the students hands and heads 00:05:51:24 - 00:05:55:05 as possible, you know, just to let them then again, let them make a decision. 00:05:55:05 - 00:05:56:20 But it's it's very, very true. 00:05:56:20 - 00:05:57:15 Now, tell us 00:05:57:15 - 00:06:02:04 tell me about your the the actual the online course that you have here. 00:06:02:04 - 00:06:02:14 Okay. 00:06:02:14 - 00:06:07:05 So we do have computer science for educator hours and computer science 00:06:07:05 - 00:06:08:02 for educators. 00:06:08:02 - 00:06:12:09 It is an undergraduate and graduate level course. 00:06:12:09 - 00:06:16:05 So if you are an undergraduate student in education, you can take it. 00:06:16:05 - 00:06:18:16 And if you're a if you're a veteran teacher, 00:06:18:16 - 00:06:21:15 if you are already teaching and in the field, you can take it as well. 00:06:21:24 - 00:06:26:04 This course is eight weeks long and it is completely online. 00:06:26:04 - 00:06:31:04 You're going to learn the foundations of computer science, but also some pedagogy 00:06:32:03 - 00:06:36:05 is in there too, and so is engaging. 00:06:36:05 - 00:06:40:08 And we have great teachers for the course and it's offered 00:06:40:08 - 00:06:46:22 right now is offered in the fall semester as we continue to grow the program. 00:06:46:22 - 00:06:48:20 Now, when you complete that course, 00:06:48:20 - 00:06:51:15 does that give you any special qualifications or. 00:06:51:17 - 00:06:55:19 Yes, and I'm glad you accept you complete this successful 00:06:55:19 - 00:06:58:15 we complete the computer science for educators course, 00:06:58:23 - 00:07:01:19 then you are qualified in the state of Missouri 00:07:01:19 - 00:07:05:22 to teach computer science in grades seven through 12. 00:07:05:22 - 00:07:09:15 So this course will qualify you to teach computer science. 00:07:10:13 - 00:07:11:07 Perfect timing. 00:07:11:07 - 00:07:13:07 Start to think about those things you going to do in the fall. 00:07:13:09 - 00:07:16:00 Once we get done with the spring semester here. So 00:07:18:03 - 00:07:21:23 so one last question as you kind of look into your crystal ball. 00:07:22:09 - 00:07:22:14 Yeah. 00:07:23:12 - 00:07:24:17 What do you see? 00:07:24:17 - 00:07:25:17 What what do you see 00:07:25:17 - 00:07:29:00 as the future of like education technology and computer science? 00:07:29:17 - 00:07:33:11 So it's it's a very small question, not a very big prediction at all. 00:07:33:11 - 00:07:34:20 You know. 00:07:35:09 - 00:07:37:15 And I don't even know if you'll be able to use my answer, but. 00:07:38:23 - 00:07:41:10 I'm definitely going to use it now. 00:07:41:10 - 00:07:43:03 I think, as we consider. 00:07:43:03 - 00:07:46:09 Okay, so let's just let's let's look at the past two weeks. 00:07:46:09 - 00:07:47:03 Right. 00:07:47:03 - 00:07:51:14 And see and how it has just exploded. 00:07:51:14 - 00:07:54:16 Right? Only within 00:07:54:16 - 00:07:57:18 maybe December and November, you hadn't heard anything about it. 00:07:57:18 - 00:08:03:14 And now we're we're doing a workshop on it on tomorrow, actually, you see. 00:08:03:15 - 00:08:07:01 I mean, so I think as you think about the future, 00:08:07:18 - 00:08:10:02 I think we're thinking about continued growth. 00:08:10:02 - 00:08:14:12 We're thinking a lot with artificial intelligence, artificial engineering. 00:08:14:12 - 00:08:16:19 And we want to have 00:08:18:00 - 00:08:19:17 students and 00:08:19:17 - 00:08:25:05 professionals who can not only create these entities that can be used for good, 00:08:25:05 - 00:08:29:20 but also know what to do with their used in ways that are not. 00:08:29:20 - 00:08:34:09 But we need to have structures in place for both. 00:08:34:09 - 00:08:38:06 But I think there is there's so much going on and the pandemic 00:08:38:06 - 00:08:41:02 taught us right as we 00:08:42:06 - 00:08:45:14 it from March 2020 until now. 00:08:45:14 - 00:08:46:15 But specifically 00:08:46:15 - 00:08:50:03 when we started in March 2020, we didn't know what to expect, right? 00:08:50:03 - 00:08:54:11 We didn't know where we were, but we all went virtual, most of us. 00:08:54:11 - 00:08:57:08 There were some that we weren't able to, but most of us went virtual. 00:08:57:08 - 00:08:59:12 We did our zoom. 00:08:59:12 - 00:09:02:09 We had to learn so much. So there was a learning curve. 00:09:02:09 - 00:09:06:00 We were able to to step up to the learning curve, 00:09:06:01 - 00:09:09:21 to learn what we needed to, and to also help others. 00:09:09:21 - 00:09:14:15 And so in terms of computer science, in terms of educational technology, 00:09:14:15 - 00:09:20:10 I see us continuing to provide exceptional education to others 00:09:20:19 - 00:09:25:01 so that they can be so that our students, our teachers, our girls 00:09:25:22 - 00:09:30:21 can just be effective in their technology learning, training, teaching. 00:09:32:01 - 00:09:32:11 Awesome. 00:09:32:11 - 00:09:34:02 Thank you very much for letting us talk. 00:09:34:02 - 00:09:36:03 I'm sure we're going to talk to you some more. 00:09:36:05 - 00:09:38:16 Yeah, I look. I look forward to it. That would be awesome. Thanks. 00:09:38:16 - 00:09:40:18 And we will see you guys next time. 00:09:40:18 - 00:09:42:10 Thank you so much for having me.