Thirty Years of the Human Connection

MOREnet Cookbook cover

Be better connected … through technology, to the Internet and with each other.

As we wrap up our thirtieth anniversary year, we have been proud to look back on successes and technology advancement. We have also had so much fun remembering the many friendships we’ve made along the way.

We can’t think of fellowship without thinking of both food and fellowship. Well over 15 years ago, our staff council developed a MOREnet Family Cookbook. At the time, the cookbook committee enjoyed not only collecting the recipes, but also the stories about the gathering where these delectable bites were served.

The first recipe is from Sandra Monnig, who many of you have met through our Annual Conference. She is a master of logistics and has been a part of helping utilize technology for nearly 25 years!

The next sweet treat was brought to us by Denise Tate-Kuhler. Denise, who has worn many different hats at MOREnet over the years, is currently the Member Service Advisor for K-12 schools on the west side of the state. Prior to moving to Member Services, she served members as supervisor of the training team. For many years, she was responsible for planning workshops and identifying relevant topics. She was a Google pro before Google was a household name.

Although we love our sweet treats, we know that social gatherings also need substance. Jack Slaughter’s Sante Fe Soup serves that need. Jack is part of our video team and has probably seen the most change over his tenure with MOREnet in his day-to-day role. Twenty-three years ago, when Jack joined the team, we never dreamed each of us would hold the device for a one-click videoconference in our pockets! He works to simplify remote teaching and learning as well as virtual community meetings and live streamed events.

Let us know if you try one of these recipes- or if you have your own to share!

Here’s to being better connected!