E-rate Updates

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The Universal Service Fund for Schools and Libraries, also known as the E-rate Program is crucial in offsetting the cost of connectivity to schools and libraries. We want to help make the process less cumbersome. Join the State E-rate Coordinator for a series of informational sessions. The first in this series is later this month; Chris Schneider will host a webinar to cover the required form 486, CIPA certification as well as how to file Form 472, if needed.

September 26, 9-10 a.m.
Wrapping up FY23- Forms 486 and 472
Register here

Other upcoming sessions include a session at MOREnet Annual Conference covering the fundamentals and upcoming changes to the E-rate program and webinars on new eligible services in FY25, Category Two (C2) budget tools, competitive bid form 470 and an “all things E-rate” session for beginners.

Learn more about all these training courses, as well as find support material and examples on our website.