Breach graphic

The Cost of a Data Breach

There are many facets of cyber crimes. Some attacks are meant to disrupt normal business activity, while others may aim to steal or encrypt data in an effort...

Social media graphic

More Cyberbullying: Doxing

Using social media can be entertaining and educational, connecting us with others. These platforms allow users to share photos, send messages, game with friend, posts...

MOREnet logo with school building graphic

2022 H1 Global Threat Analysis Report

The H1 2022 Global Threat Analysis Report provides detailed insights into network and application attack activity.

Classroom banner - man at whiteboard with chairs

Back to School

Summer fun is over, and kids are heading back to the classrooms. Pens, papers and electronic devices of all sorts will be accompanying them. They are...

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Private Browsing

What is private browsing? Your browser (Chrome, Firefox, Edge, etc.) has a setting that allows you to set your web browser in a way that...

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Adult Cyberbullying

Cyberbullying is bullying that takes place in a digital environment. The bully will use social media and text messaging to harass their victim. Cyberbullying is...

MOREnet logo with school building graphic

Ancestor Search With HeritageQuest

Did you know your MORenet membership gives you access to Ancestry's HeritageQuest? Heritage Quest is an essential collection of genealogical and historical sources–local and family histories...

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Cybersecurity Focus: Physical Security

The physical security of your facility, network, data and personnel is essential. Failure to safeguard any of these components can lead to a breakdown in...

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REAL E-rate Requirements

The National Education Rate Program (E-rate) is a federal program designed to provide telecommunications discounts to...

Cyber crook graphic

Can a Wireless Keyboard Be Hacked?

Wireless keyboards connect to a device via Bluetooth. Most require a USB dongle in order for the keyboard to be recognized by the device. Early... Resources banner

New Interface and Improved Content: Explora Consumer Health Complete

Last month, EBSCO released several enhancements to its Consumer Health Complete database. This resource is part of your MOREnet Membership Service Package.

Consortium Discount banner - Overdrive

REAL Program Contribution to MOREnet Shared Collection With OverDrive (Sora) to Help K-12 Schools

The Missouri State Library is pleased to announce it has contributed $30,000 to support the MOREnet Shared Digital Collection with OverDrive. The funding has...

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Are You Snipe Hunting?

Threat hunting involves proactively seeking out cyber threats that may have slipped into your network. If a cyber crook slips past your defenses and finds...

MOREnet logo with school building graphic

Americans Worried About Online Data Security - But Maybe Not Enough

Safeguarding your personal data in a digital age is a problem for everyone. A poll by Ipsos on behalf of Google found that 84% of...

Explora Interface changes coming soon graphic

EBSCO Releasing a New Interface for Explora

During the week of July 18, 2022, EBSCO will release a new user experience for Explora, a search interface designed specifically for schools and public...

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Don't Get Hooked!

Phishing awareness education can save money and reputation, protect assets and keep you from becoming front page news. Phishing is a social engineering technique used by...

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Endpoint Protection: Do You Need It?

What is endpoint protection? Simply stated, it is the defenses that are enabled on end user devices. Some solutions are no cost. Some are low...

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Threat Modeling

Identifying vulnerabilities and potential security threats while weighing the impact on an organization will assist with prioritizing how to address these weaknesses. This is threat modeling. Primarily...

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Apps and Privacy

There's an app for everything! These apps bundle features together to make it more accessible to the mobile user. There are millions of apps, and...

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Getting the Most Out of Cybersecurity Conferences

One of the biggest reasons security professionals attend conferences is to learn from experts in the field about new innovations. Networking and knowledge gathering are...