Threat Management

Choosing Your Managed Service Provider (MSP)

Outsourcing many of your IT requirements may be the best way to get a handle on controlling IT management within your organization. MSPs can provide...


Still Using Default Configurations? STOP!

Networking hardware, end user devices, switches, Wi-Fi, IoT and more all come with a default configuration, making it easier for the consumer to get them...


CIS Controls v8 - Implementation Group 1 (IG1)

The Center of Internet Security (CIS) recently released version 8 of the Critical Controls. These controls set to prioritize and provide guidance for organizations to...

Ransomware graphic

Ransomware Attacks: How Bad is It?

Ransomware attacks have increased in number and strength. Cyber crooks are getting better at infiltrating organizations and launching these assaults. Some of the larger attacks...

MOREnet logo with school building graphic

Autosaving Passwords is Not a Good Idea

Web browsers have a feature built in to help us keep track of passwords. Although meant to be a convenience, the autosave password function of...

MOREnet logo with school building graphic

Close Your Ports!

Closing open ports will improve your network's security. Why? Is it really a big deal? Read on then you decide. Techs know that IP addresses will...

Kids online

Safe Surfing

Everyone is cruising the Internet. Whether performing a search on the latest Hollywood gossip, shopping or using social media, we are all surfing. Whether using a...

Mobile payment apps


Cryptocurrency is digital money. This virtual currency is secured by cryptography, making it nearly impossible to counterfeit. In a recent conversation with my neighbor, she told...

Cybersecurity graphic


This term refers to a broad array of services that can be purchased by the customer. The phrase was defined when companies began serving up...

Cyber crook graphic

Double Extortion Attacks

A victim of ransomware will find all of their data encrypted. But to add insult to injury, the cyber crook will also collect the data...

Digital Crook

Ransomware-as-a-Service (RaaS)

This business model has ransomware-as-a-service (RaaS) developers selling or leasing malware to affiliates on the dark web. RaaS providers make arrangements with cyber criminals to...

Cybersecurity Assessment small banner

The Essential 18-CIS Critical Controls v8

Just released on May 18, is the eighth iteration of the Center of Internet Security Critical Controls. Previously, these 20 controls, based on best practices, aimed to...

Cyber crime graphic

Verizon 2021 Data Breach Investigation Report

Verizon's annual Data Breach Investigation Report (DBIR) is out! And, no surprise, the last year saw sharp spikes in pandemic themed phishing, collaboration platform abuse...

Social media graphic

What is a Deepfake?

Deepfakes are this century's new approach to photo editing. Through the use of deep-learning artificial intelligence, computer imagery can be programmed to replace one person's...

Virus cybersecurity banner

Cybersecurity Threats and Attacks

There are inherent risks that accompany online activities. These threats can cause financial and reputation damage, disruption of business and legal issues. How can you...

Cyberbullying graphic

Cyberbullying is Bullying

Bullying is bullying, whether in person or through the use of technology. Cyberbullying takes the act of bullying to higher levels. It used to be...

Device Management banner

Defense in Cybersecurity

When operating a motor vehicle, it is important to learn the rules of the road. Becoming acquainted with your car's owners manual can help you...

Social Media update

Digital Spring Cleaning

Spring is in the air! Throw back the drapes, pull the blinds and open the windows. Let the sun shine in. Oh my, there are...

Tools and resources small banner

The Name Game

Acronym: a word (such as NATO, radar or laser) formed from the initial letter or letters of each of the successive parts or major parts...

Ransomware graphic

Ransomware: Could You Be Next?

Ransomware is a form of malware. Its main purpose is to seize your systems, encrypt your data and basically make your network devices and data unusable....