2023 MOREnet Annual Conference

The Value of Attending MOREnet Events

Norman Carlock, the IT Director from Lathrop Schools, talks about the value of attending MOREnet events like the Annual Conference. Learn from your peers, network and make connections you'll value for the rest of your life.

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Tax Scams

It's that time of year-Tax Season. This is a time to be extra vigilant to protect your identity and money. Here are a...

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Artificial Intelligence in Schools

Artificial Intelligence (AI), which uses large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT, has been consuming much of the news. Of course, as with any new technology,...

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Pumping the Brakes on AI

Artificial Intelligence (AI) news has been exploding in the last couple of weeks. Technology leaders are weighing in with their opinions and recommendations...

2023 MOREnet Annual Conference

Top Three Reasons to Attend the MOREnet Annual Conference

I have attended and presented at the MOREnet annual conference for the past 10 years. In that time I have learned from amazing...

Getting Started With Technology

Digital Demonstration Project Grant to Expand Digital Equity Across Missouri

A new grant will leverage programming we recently rolled out and add promotional dollars to utilize both radio and newspaper to expand and reach underserved populations with resources to get started with technology.

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Training Any Way You Want It!!

As a valued customer did you know your MOREnet membership allows you to take advantage of our training opportunities on your schedule? We...

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Cyberterrorism First Responder (CFR): FEMA Course at MOREnet

In December of last year, we hosted a course presented by the Criminal Justice Institute’s Cyber Defense Initiative (CDI). The class filled quickly and there...

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Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the Future of Cybersecurity

Artificial Intelligence has been making headlines with the emergence of ChatGPT, a conversational chatbot created by OpenAI. This model was trained to use...

Summer Training Camps with MOREnet

Summer Camp: Not Just for Kids!

For those of you who are ready to use the summer months to explore topics that interest you, or that you would like to implement in your classroom please plan to join us for our themed summer training weeks!

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Student Data Privacy 101: Compliance and Resources

Links to various resources for ensuring student data privacy.

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Don't Miss this Awesome Scratch Coding Opportunity

The Scratch Coding Foundation is putting on a global and virtual celebration of their Scratch-coding platforms. During the week of May 8-12, each...

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MOREnet Video Blog: Computer Science for Education

We recently spent some time talking with Dr. Shantia Kerr Sims, professor and Coordinator of Educational Technology with the Department of Educational Technology and Library...

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Missouri High School Cybersecurity Challenge Winners Announced

The Missouri Research and Education Network (MOREnet) has partnered with DESE to host the fourth annual Missouri High School Cybersecurity Challenge. Thanks to funding earmarked...

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Great Opportunity for Computer Science Training

Recently, Amazon partnered with computer science programs and organizations like CODE.org to offer free CS training, curriculum and other resources for educators and students. These...

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MOREnet Video Blog: Missouri Student Privacy Alliance

Bob talks with Connie Coy about the Missouri Student Privacy Alliance (MOSPA).

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Blocksi, a Google for Education partner, is dedicated to providing an innovative and powerful all-in-one cloud-based multi-OS content filtering and classroom screen monitoring...

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Missouri Internet Survey: Access in Your Area

Our friends over at University of Missouri Extension are conducting a research survey in cooperation with the Missouri Office of Broadband Development. They are using...

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Student Data Privacy

What are you doing to protect your students' data? Do you know what type of information is being collected and used by the...

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Akamai Secure Internet Access

Join us for a conversation with Connie Coy, Cybersecurity Analyst with MOREnet, as we discuss an excellent tool for network security and content filtering.