Consortium Discount VMware banner

Infobase Consortium Discount

Infobase creates and curates reliable educational resources and digital tools for educators, librarians and learners across the globe. Infobase delivers inspirational content seamlessly...

Secure password strategies graphic

Secure Password Strategies

The foundation to secure passwords strategies is having a strong password. What makes a strong password? Longer=stronger. Even with two-factor/multi-factor (2FA/MFA) implementations, getting...

MOREnet logo with school building graphic

Great Plains Network Annual Meeting May 31 Through June 3

GPN's Annual Meeting begins May 31 and runs through June 3 in Kansas City, Mo.

MOREnet logo with school building graphic

ChatGPT and a Dozen (or so) things you can do with it.

Obviously ChatGPT has been taking the media by storm and we aren't quite sure what to do with it. Do we use it...

MOREnet logo with school building graphic

Title: Unlocking Creativity with Creative Commons: Empowering Collaboration and Sharing


In today's digital age, the realm of creativity has undergone a significant transformation. The rise...

Consortium Discount Pagefreezer

Access is a Privilege, Not a Right

The misuse of privileged access is a dangerous security threat. It can lead to extensive damages within an organization. Everyone on your network...

MOREnet logo with school building graphic

New and Upgraded Online Research Resources Databases for MOREnet Consortium

We are excited to share with you that we have negotiated added value to the Online Resources included with your MOREnet Membership Service Package! Beginning in the new fiscal year, July 1, 2023, PrepSTEP databases will now be part of your tool kit, and two existing resources will now include additional features.

sphero logo

Computer Science PD Opportunity with Sphero and Fort Zumwalt

Here is a great opportunity for teachers, techs and admins to get a jump start on summer PD or planning for next year! ...

Cyber crook graphic

Cybercrime-Trends and Targets

Every day is marred with cyber attacks. Whether it is a data breach, DDoS attack, credential theft or ransomware, these crooks are after...

MOREnet logo with school building graphic

MOREnet for Libraries

Most people associate MOREnet with K-12 schools and we certainly are proud of this. However, MOREnet is...

Cybersecurity Challenge winners

MOREnet Cybersecurity Challenge in National REN Publication

The Quilt is a national coalition of nonprofit regional research and Education Networks (RENs) representing 43 networks across the U.S.  As a member of the...

social media spotlight graphic

Social Media Spotlight - Chat Rooms

Chat rooms and messaging apps have grown and matured in a way that allows them to stand on their own as another social...

MOREnet logo with school building graphic

Offsite DNS for Disaster Recovery

Having an offsite DNS server can keep your internet services accessible during outages. As part of your disaster recovery plan, MOREnet can provide offsite DNS for your organization.

World Password Day graphic

World Password Day-May the 4th Be With You

How secure is your password? Is it long and strong? Is it unique for each site or app you log into? Well, if...

MOREnet logo with school building graphic

Resources to help you understand AI

In case you haven't heard, AI that uses LLM's (Large Language Models)- like ChatGPT- have been consuming much of the news. Of course,...

Professional Development

Summer PD

Are you looking for summer PD on a variety of topics? We have over 45 training sessions currently on our calendar. These are offered in person at Columbia, online, or via canvas.

E-rate Training Schedule banner

E-rate Training Schedule

We are proud to have the State E-rate Specialist on staff at MOREnet. Our series of webinars are open to all Missouri schools...

Cybersecurity graphic

Safe and Secure Disposal of Electronic Devices

Replacing a computer, tablet or network equipment comes with its own set of challenges. Secure configuration before connecting to the network and/or Internet...

Social Media update

Your Digital Life

We are a digital society. We live our lives on the Internet; shopping, banking, researching and corresponding. Most people use social media for...

MOREnet logo with school building graphic

Scripting with Google

If you are searching for a way to introduce scripting to students, look no further than Google Apps. You can use scripts in...