Consortium Discount VMware banner


MOREnet is excited to partner with TumbleBooks to secure a consortium discount for our Library and K-12...

MOREnet logo with school building graphic

Cyber Security and recently published in their newsletter a cool opportunity for schools: there's a back-to-school survival kit social media contest. All you have to...

MOREnet logo with school building graphic

Exciting field trip opportunity

Interested in adding some engaging technology to the start of your school year?  Schedule a visit to MOREnet’s Immersive Learning Lab (“The MILL”). ...

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TOS - Yeah Fine, I Agree

Wait! What? We all see these Terms of Service that must be agreed to in order to access a service, website or asset....

Google Arts & Culture logo

Google Arts and Culture for History Part Three

Google Arts and Culture is a platform that offers various ways to explore and engage with history. It provides a wealth of resources,...

Google Arts & Culture logo

Google Arts and Culture for History Part Two

Google Arts and Culture is a platform that offers various ways to explore and engage with history. It provides a wealth of resources,...

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Protect Your Data

Backups are a critical component for an organization to recover data from a hardware/software failure, human error, corruption or ransomware. Follow the rule...

Google Arts & Culture logo

Google Arts and Culture Tips for History Part One

Google Arts and Culture is a platform that offers various ways to explore and engage with history. It provides a wealth of resources,...

MOREnet logo with school building graphic

Just a Little Robot

Ozobots are amazing little robots that can be super helpful in our classrooms! There are three cool ways we can use them to... logo

August Funding Opportunities for K-12

MOREnet is pleased to share the availability of two funding opportunities for K-12 schools, aimed improving the cybersecurity resilience of K-12 education communities.

Are you looking for a way to get a drone program established? Well, CodeEdu is offering scholarships for up to $500,000! Please take...

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What is Creative Commons?

Creative Commons is a nonprofit organization that has developed a licensing framework to address the complexities of copyright in the digital age. By...

Google Arts and Culture logo

Using Google Arts and Culture in the Classroom

Google Arts & Culture is a helpful tool for classrooms. There are three ways to use it.

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Cyber Threats to Educational Institutions

Technology is heavily relied on in school settings. Internet connectivity, email, collaboration tools and daily operations all need technology to function. The addition of high tech devices lends itself to productivity but also comes with the potential of cyber threats. What types of threats are targeting our schools, staff and students?

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Use Text Automation to Save Time

Tired of spending too much time typing the same thing over and over again. Items like your email. name,...

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Key Resources for Understanding AI (in Education)

Hello friends! Alas, another post about Artificial Intelligence! But in this post, I want to share some of the most helpful scholarly sources...

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Can We Trust AI?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is here. The barn door has been opened and the horse is out of the stable. Adopters are discovering the...

Math Logo

Google Earth for Math Part 3

Google Earth can be a valuable tool for enhancing math lessons in the classroom. It allows students to explore real-world applications of mathematical...

Math Logo

Google Earth for Math Part 2

Google Earth can be a valuable tool for enhancing math lessons in the classroom. It allows students to explore real-world applications of mathematical...

MOREnet logo with school building graphic

Google Earth in the Math Part 1

Google Earth can be a valuable tool for enhancing math lessons in the classroom. It allows students to explore real-world applications of mathematical...