Classroom banner - man at whiteboard with chairs

Readjusting Your Cybersecurity Attitude

New Year. New Attitude. Now is the time to take a new look at your cybersecurity practices. Evaluate every aspect of your digital life. Check...

Cyber crime graphic

2021: Cybersecurity Year in Review

As we close the door on 2021 there's no shortage of noteworthy cybersecurity stories. Surly we will have learned from some of these incidents and...

MOREnet logo with school building graphic

Celebrating 30 years: A message from our executive director

As we wrap up 2021 and our year-long thirtieth anniversary celebration, on behalf of everyone at MOREnet, we want to thank you for joining us on this incredible journey.

Cybersecurity banner

Cybersecurity Prediction for 2022

Lather. Rinse. Repeat. This seems to be the theme for cyber incidents we will see in 2022. More of the same we experienced in 2021...

Internet Connection small banner

Understanding Copyright Law

The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), enacted by the US government in 1998, regulates digital media by protecting it from copyright infringement by users on...

MOREnet Cookbook cover

Thirty Years of the Human Connection

Be better connected … through technology, to the Internet and with each other. As we wrap up our thirtieth anniversary year, we have been proud to...

Ransomware graphic

Dancing With the Devil: Ransomware Negotiations

Your important files are encrypted. Many of your documents, photos, databases and other files are no longer accessible because they have been encrypted. A document appears...

Denial of service


Denial of Service (DoS). This term is transparent. You want service, it's denied. In technology, a denial of service is a form of cyber attack....


What is a Zero-day Vulnerability?

Zero-day vulnerabilities are flaws in software security that the vendor has not yet created a patch to fix. Many zero-days are discovered by bug bounty...

Holiday scams graphic

'Tis the Season

The holiday season is upon us. The circumstances we are living in, COVID restrictions plus the high demand/low availability of products, will direct many to...

MOREnet logo with school building graphic

National Cybersecurity Standards

On Oct. 8, 2021, President Biden signed the K-12 Cybersecurity Act of 2021 into law. This law is a response to data security incidents that have...

MOREnet logo with school building graphic

History of MOREnet Conferences

Can you imagine what it was like 30 years ago when MOREnet began building the infrastructure for the network we have today? As exciting a...

Cybersecurity Awareness Month

Cybersecurity First

October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month. This week, the focus is on the importance of putting cybersecurity first. Why is cybersecurity important? Because it's everyone's responsibility. We...

Cybersecurity Awareness Month - Careers

Cybersecurity Career Awareness Week

Explore. Experience. Share. October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month. This week, the focus is on cybersecurity careers. Did you know:

  • There are more cybersecurity jobs available than...

Cybersecurity Awareness Month - Phishing

Fight the Phish!

October is cybersecurity awareness month. This week we will focus on phishing awareness. #BeCyberSmart Phishing is one of the most prevalent social engineering attacks. The attacker...

MOREnet logo with school building graphic

Cybersecurity: A Look Back Through the Years

Even before the Internet was a household name, cybersecurity was on the forefront of industry experts’ radar, and questions on how to keep the world...

Cybersecurity Awareness Month


October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month. This week we will focus on tips to keep you safe online.

Cybersecurity Awareness Month

October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month

Every October we celebrate cybersecurity awareness by reminding ourselves about steps we can take to be #CyberAware. This year's theme, Do Your Part. #BeCyberSmart encourages...

Spot What's Wrong

Spot What's Wrong

October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month. This is a good time to focus on your personal cybersecurity awareness as well as your organization's. Our featured graphic...

Email graphic

Understanding the Spam Trap

You have contacted a major retailer for information about a product or service. They are requesting your email address and maybe a phone number as...