Celebrating 30 years: A message from our executive director

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As we wrap up 2021 and our year-long thirtieth anniversary celebration, on behalf of everyone at MOREnet, we want to thank you for joining us on this incredible journey.

From those few who sat around a table in the early 90s envisioning what might be, to today’s 730+ consortium members and our entire team of dedicated professionals who continue to think around corners and prepare us all to anticipate and deliver what comes next in information technology… we wouldn’t be here without each of you!

We appreciate your continued support and the trust you put in the MOREnet team. We hear it time and time again; our people make all the difference. I couldn’t agree more or be more proud and thankful for our team who deliver top notch support and service daily. Whether we are behind the scenes or out in front working with you; it is our pleasure to be your trusted partner. And no matter how quickly technology continues to change, we will be here for you.

We’re humbled and proud of our first thirty years and we are genuinely excited to look ahead as we continue our journey through the next thirty years. Here’s to 2022; let’s make it a great year together!

Wishing you all the joys of the season and a Happy New Year!

Natasha Angell
Executive Director