Job Offer Scams

Work from home graphic

As the fiscal year 2022 comes to a close there are many folks looking for new career opportunities, maybe adding some extra cash while taking on a summer job or looking to move up in one’s chosen field. Whatever the reason for looking into career movement, it’s important to be aware of the scams awaiting innocent victims.

Work From Home Scam

You see an ad offering an opportunity to earn extra cash by working at home. Sound too good to be true? It probably is. Most times, these fake recruiters will offer big money, and all you have to do is provide your drivers license or a fee to get started with training. Never pay money to earn money. Protect your personal information.

Posted Resume on Job Sites

There are plenty of legitimate websites where recruiters will look for applicants’ resumes in order to find the right fit for their companies. Scammers visit these sites too. Then they can contact the applicant with a fake job offer. Search online for the company and the person who made the contact. Use search terms such as scam and reviews.

LinkedIn and Other Social Media Scams

LinkedIn, Glassdoor, Indeed, Ziprecruiter and other platforms where professionals perform searches and connect with other professionals are legitimate resources but can be considered an agency for cyber fraud as well. Be wary of emails that appear to be from these sites claiming that your name appeared numerous times as the result of searches. Research any recruiter to validate identification.

Great Investment Opportunity

An email that suggests a limited time to invest in crypto currency might sound enticing, but make sure to do your homework. The scammer might request you to make an initial investment in order to be part of the club.

The Nigerian Prince Scam is Still Around

Impersonating foreign dignitaries who need to get a huge sum of money out of the country is still around. According to the email, if you help, you will be rewarded with a sizable share of the money. The crook will request your bank account number for the transfer or ask for a small advance to cover fees. Don’t bite on this one or your bank account will be drained and the request for more money to cover additional fees will ensue.

Online activity comes with its share of risks and rewards. It’s important to be careful with any activity that involves your personal data and money. Treat all requests with extreme caution. Know who you are making your connections with. Scrutinize unsolicited requests or offers.