New Ways To Stay Up To Date With AI

Header graphic of a robot peeking around a door. MOREnet logo is in the bottom, left corner

Our discussions about artificial intelligence with teachers around the state over the last six months have led to some great suggestions. Many have wished for more ways to quickly stay up to date and a place to ask questions on the fly. In response to these requests, MOREnet is pleased to offer two new tools and a special event!

Mailing List

First, we have created a mailing list for educators and interested parties:

The mailing list is a place to have discussions about AI use in the classroom, tools and techniques for use and other questions you may have about AI. Click the link to sign up!

Monthly AI Zoom Chat

We have also added a series of monthly chat sessions in Zoom. Focused on the classroom and non technical, the format for these will be a brief intro and a new tool or topic for the session, then open discussion and resource sharing. Look for special guests, featured techniques and more! Sign up for one or all. Sessions are from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. on Fridays.

September 6:

October 4:

November 1:

December 6:

Special Event- Chat with SchoolAI

As a part of our full-day, hands-on class “Artificial Intelligence for Teachers,” we have invited SchoolAI to give us an overview of their powerful, safe, AI-driven suite of tools for use in the classroom.

You can come to the full-day session by registering here and you will meet the SchoolAI team in person:

Or if you just want to learn about SchoolAI, you can sign up for the webinar simulcast here: