Chatting with AI: Do You Need to Use Your Manners?

As the training team and I introduce AI tools to teachers across the state, the most common question is, “Do I need to be nice to it?”. With AI becoming a bigger part of our everyday lives, whether through virtual assistants or educational tools, it’s a natural question to ask. Some also wonder, “Will I get a better answer if I’m frustrated or mad at it?”.

AI: Unfazed by Emotions

First, it’s key to understand that AI doesn’t have feelings. It doesn’t get upset or happy based on your tone. AI operates purely on algorithms, processing your input to provide an output. So, whether you’re kind or curt, the AI itself won’t respond differently in an emotional sense.

But does that mean your tone or attitude doesn’t matter at all? Not quite.

Clarity Matters More Than Kindness

When you’re frustrated, your language might become less precise. You might ask vague questions or make demands that are harder for the AI to interpret accurately. For example, saying, “Why can’t you get this right?” is less clear than asking, “Can you help me find this specific piece of information?” The clearer your question, the better the AI can understand and respond.

Being polite often leads you to think more carefully about your wording, which in turn can lead to more accurate responses. It’s not about the AI reacting to kindness, but about how your approach influences the clarity of your request.

So next time you write an AI prompt, remember: It’s not about being nice or mean; it’s about being clear and precise. The better you communicate, the better the AI can help you.

If you want to learn more about AI from our training team check out our Professional Development classes this semester.