Five Ways KIDS (K-20 Interoperable Data Solution) Can Save You Time and Money

KIDS has definitely saved us time and made certain aspects easier. We can spend more time on other work processes while we know that we only have to worry about the KIDS systems if there is an issue.

You may have heard of MOREnet’s K-20 Interoperable Data Solution (KIDS), but you may not be familiar with all the ways KIDS could save your district valuable time and resources. KIDS is a secure, cloud-based student information system (SIS) management solution that can be automatically integrated into learning management systems and other applications. KIDS, hosted and managed by MOREnet, delivers accurate information about your students to other applications in a safe environment. Here are the ways that KIDS may be able to save you valuable time and resources:

  1. KIDS takes the worry out of your SIS integrations: MOREnet software engineers serve as an extension of your technical staff. All you must do is decide what you want integrated, automated or rostered, and we’ll handle the rest! In addition to stress-free configuration, you can rely on our Missouri-based staff to provide updates and assist with anomalies or troubleshooting.
  2. KIDS improves data accuracy: No longer will you need to patch data from multiple applications or enter data manually. Combine details of reading programs, nutrition services, transportation and library software, grades, account balances and Active Directory or Google without fuss. Your information can be uploaded daily so your data is always up to date and accurate!
  3. Complex data can be automated, reducing the need for manual entry: Often, integrations want data from multiple systems, and not just from your district’s SIS. For example, cafeteria, transportation and library software often require complex data for each student, such as guardian contact and address information. Instead of inputting data manually, KIDS can take multiple exports from different sources and combine them into one export.
  4. Update students automatically in Active Directory and Google: Perhaps one of the biggest values of KIDS is that it is able to create and update student accounts automatically, helping you manage student turnover and improve your efficiency in managing student data. As new users are created in your district, an email address and password are generated, and the user is placed in the correct OU for your district. In addition to adding new users, KIDS can update existing users’ data as needed—such as a name change. KIDS finds and eliminates errors from manual entries, as well as being able to fully remove or suspend student accounts as they leave your district, preventing old students from accessing devices or accounts after they’ve left the district.
  5. Save time and money with Google Workspace licensing: If your district is paying per student for Google Workspace licenses, KIDS can save money by automating the addition and removal of those licenses via the Google API. As students exit your district, they will automatically have their license removed, allowing it to be reused on a new incoming student.

MOREnet KIDS is here to support your district, freeing up valuable staff resources for more complex functions supporting the your district’s core mission. We understand your schedule is busy, so we offer a couple of different methods for reaching us to learn more. One option is to email us at, and we can start the conversation there. Or, if you’d prefer to block time to talk through the solution, you can see our availability at this link and schedule a call in real-time.